In 1998, a school kitchen, cafeteria/ classroom for 300 students in Posadas, Argentina. The project was initiated and supervised by committee member Maximilian Biagosch. The slums in Posadas, Argentina The school’s cook, Sister Maria Rossa, taking measure for the bread oven to be built Structural work with the school kitchen, left front
Aid convoy to Croatia (1996)
Immediately after hostilities between Serbia and Croatia had ended, the committee launched a peace mission to Osijec and Zagreb, delivering contributions in kind to a residential home for the elderly and refugees and a kindergarten for children injured during the war. Further donations were applied to buying pharmaceuticals and fuel oil for the winter. The […]
Aid convoy to Ukraine (1992)
The committee’s first aid convoy went to Chernobyl and Jalta, Ukraine, in 1992. Joerg Allgaeuer delivering pharmaceuticals to the local children’s hospital Hugo Benziger and Nikolai Behr with members of a support group in Sewastopol that received electrical installation material