Recent press releases:
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the non-profit association
International Committee: Aid from journalists
you can use the following material for current reporting. We would be very pleased to receive a link to the publication.
Logo for the 30th anniversary: a collage of motifs from the relief efforts of the past 30 years

Recent press photos:

Nonprofit on the board for 30 years: Managing Director Dr. Nikolai Behr, Chief Financial Officer Walter Huber and Chairman Dr. Jörg Allgäuer (from left to right) are pleased about 30 years of working together for a good cause.
Photos historical:

It all started with an aid transport to Chernobyl: Journalists Nikolai Behr and Jörg Allgäuer decided to found the International Committee: Journalists Help. The plight of the Chernobyl surviving children prompted them to help the needy they encountered in their work as media professionals. A short time later, on July 11, 1993, the association was entered in the register of associations at the Munich District Court under number 14626.

Jörg Allgäuer hands over medicines to doctors at a clinic in Slavutych near Chernobyl on behalf of the International Committee: Journalists Help (1993)

Nikolai Behr and Jörg Allgäuer hand over a check for urgently needed heating oil to the head of the refugee home Rev. Ante Markic (1996) on behalf of the International Committee: Journalists help
School in Sri Lanka

The International Committee: Helping Journalists supports the urgently needed renovation of the Naimbala Bandathtara Maha Vidyalaya school in Thihagoda, Sri Lanka (2010)
Internationales Komitee: Journalisten helfen e.V.
c/o Behr
Cuvilliésstr. 23
D-81679 Munich
Tel. +49 (89) 8890 4635